Cisco. Команда banner.

Итак расскажем о самом важнов в конфигурировании цисок

В Cisco IOS, можно использовать несколько видов баннеров. Наиболее распространенные:

  • banner exec
  • banner login
  • banner motd

У всех команд одинаковый синтаксис

router(config)#banner ?
  LINE            c banner-text c, where 'c' is a delimiting character
  exec            Set EXEC process creation banner
  incoming        Set incoming terminal line banner
  login           Set login banner
  motd            Set Message of the Day banner
  prompt-timeout  Set Message for login authentication timeout
  slip-ppp        Set Message for SLIP/PPP

router(config)#banner exec ?
  LINE  c banner-text c, where 'c' is a delimiting character

  router(config)#banner exec

Отличие заключается в методе входа.

Табличка отличий:

Banner Command Option Telnet SSH v1 only SSH v1 and v2 SSH v2 only
banner login Displayed before logging into the device. Not displayed. Displayed before logging into the device. Displayed before logging into the device.
banner motd Displayed before logging into the device. Displayed after logging into the device. Displayed after logging into the device. Displayed after logging into the device.
banner exec Displayed after logging into the device. Displayed after logging into the device. Displayed after logging into the device. Displayed after logging into the device.

Пример - Example

router(config)#banner login ?
  LINE  c banner-text c, where 'c' is a delimiting character
router#banner login z
Enter TEXT message.  End with the character 'z'.
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